Sunday, June 13, 2010

Nobody (Cover Version) by RapSouL


Well, for those of you that already watched the Kampong Style video (through Facebook), thanks for your comments & 'Like's and also thank you for sharing the video in your Walls. In other words, THANKS FOR SPREADING THE LOVE!

And now we would like to share with you guys about the story behind the project. Actually, we've never been in studio since 2006! All of us got a job commitment - CARI MAKAN and there's no spaces for us to brainstorm any ideas even a single song. We love to call it "LONG HIBERNATION". But we never stop listening to our favorite songs. Our soul and passion in music keeps alive.


The idea to do a cover song begins with Mern and JC Jane. Just search "Nobody Rainstone Remix" (originally performed by Wondergirls feat. Dynamic Duo, SAN E, J.Y. Park) in YouTube, there are many cover versions from everywhere, entire the world... guessed so. Many different languages. So how about covering it in Malay version?

So for the first time after 4 years, RapSouL members reunite to record the cover song - 16th May,2010. The Malay version lyrics were written by RapSouL but still using the same Rainstone Remix instrumental. While recording the rap parts and vocals track, Georgie @ Joji was appointed to shoot the Kampong Video-oh-ow. The recording was done at Mern Studio, Petagas. Some of the video parts were taken at somewhere in KK City.

After that, Mern took about 2 weeks to mix & master the recorded tracks and video (his very first time attempt to edit a video!). Then, the final stage is... to upload it through the INTERNET! Facebook and YouTube! Yeah!

Mr.Kudique a.k.a MC Roll'N (1st Verse)
Cliff a.k.a CINCAI (2nd Verse)
Ekee a.k.a Tukee (3rd Verse)
ReubN (Chorus - Maybe his tongue got problem to pronounce English words correctly, orang DUSUN melulu! OR the listeners ears got problem? He he he...)
Mern (Bridge)


Thank You GOD for giving us the talent ...

According to the video's ending...

Million thanks to:

Wondergirls & JYP Entertainment for the very wonderful song
JC Jane for the idea & concept
Mern for the great mix & video editing
Georgie @ Joji for the video shoot
Cyril Teo @ Webs for the transportation

According to RapSouL-jah...

Thanks to all of RapSouL members for the lyrics, the voices & the time that y'all dedicated for this project! Tepuk tangan untuk diri sendiri...YEAH! Lepas ini mau lagu apa?

According to this blog...

Uncountable Thanks to friends & family, friends of friend, family of family, "girlfriend(s) & ex-girlfriend(s) or future girlfriend(s)", listeners, music lovers, bloggers, writers, and to all the people that we forgot to mention... you know who you are.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

RapSouL Reunion 2010

Date : 16th May, 2010.
Place : Mern Studio, Petagas.

What is happening?

Ini merupakan kejadian di luar dugaan kami masing-masing. Kami tidak menyangka akan dapat berkumpul sekali lagi untuk merakam sesuatu setelah 4 tahun tanpa material baru. RapSouL berehat panjang untuk beberapa ketika dan perjuangan diteruskan melalui projek mini. Pada tahun 2008, T-Street (Mr.Kudique & ReubN) ditubuhkan dan berjaya menembusi corong radio dengan single English mereka ketika itu dan pernah merancang untuk menyiapkan EP pertama. Walaubagaimanapun, ia tidak semudah itu kerana untuk melibatkan diri dalam industri muzik tempatan, memerlukan komitmen yang tinggi. Projek EP tersebut (yang mengandungi 7 buah lagu) terpaksa ditangguhkan dan akan dikeluarkan apabila tiba masa yang sesuai. Pada tahun 2009, kumpulan KIND (Cliff & Ekee) ditubuhkan untuk membayangi perjalanan T-Street dan mempunyai 3 lagu unreleased. Kedua-dua kumpulan projek ini kembali menyepi kerana masing-masing terikat dengan komitmen kerja.

Sesudah menyepi, timbul rasa rindu untuk berkumpul bersama-sama. Tanpa material baru, RapSouL cuba bersatu berjuang untuk sebuah lagu lagi. Tiada melodi baru, tiada muzik baru. Tanpa membuang masa, RapSouL memulakan langkah dengan memilih sebuah lagu untuk dijadikan cover. Lagu itu cukup terkenal di masa kini. Jika tiada muzik baru, menggunakan lagu yang sedia ada merupakan idea yang bagus. Ia dilakukan untuk tujuan suka-suka sahaja. Tunggulah sehingga rakaman video dan audio dimuatnaik ke ruang internet (YouTube).